Lara Payne Reflexology

Reflexology & massage in Hereford

Aromatherapy & Aromareflexology in Hereford

Organic Aromatherapy (Use of Essential Oils) & AromaReflexology

I love working with these beautiful plant ‘helpers’ – essential oils can really add that extra touch to your treatments. They smell wonderful and can really deepen the relaxation and healing. Essential oils are the wonderfully aromatic extracts of plants. They are made up of naturally occurring chemicals, each having different actions on our bodies and minds - which means that different oils have different effects upon us. Some are stimulating and others aid sleep; some have anti-bacterial properties and there are others which can even promote white blood cell count. They can be used in diffusers, baths, and through diluted application via the skin such as through massage and reflexology.

Most people know that Eucalyptus essential oil can alleviate nasal congestion and that lavender can ease sleep problems. But there are so many of these wonderful ‘plant helpers’ which have a multitude of uses.

Essential oils can:

  • Balance hormones
  • Ease digestive disturbances
  • Help alleviate mood problems
  • Help heal skin complaints

How I Use Essential Oils in Treatments

I use organic essential oils wherever possible. I buy British where possible, and I am excited to have found a wonderful local grower and distiller of essential oils here in Herefordshire.

I use about 30 different oils which I can individually custom blend for you at the time of treatment. Or if you prefer no essential oils, all treatments can be without them too.