Lara Payne Reflexology

Reflexology & massage in Hereford

Reflexology in Hereford

What is Reflexology?

Reflexology is the massage to reflexes - parts of the body which have a link to other organs and structures of the body. Usually the massage is carried out on the feet, but there are also reflex points on the hands, face, and ears!

The reflexologist, by touching the reflex points, can feel areas of possible imbalance in the body. Then, by massaging these reflex points, can help the body correct the imbalance. Reflexology does not claim to heal, but rather it encourages healing by helping to bring about balance in the body.

How Can Reflexology Help Me?

Many people find massage of the feet extremely relaxing and grounding. A lot of my clients come regularly on a monthly basis to aid their health and well-being. Actively looking after one’s body, mind and spirit has become quite a necessity in our modern world. It seems we have all the technology to live a more relaxed life, but are a more stressed society for it. A treatment is time to switch off, relax, and care for your whole being.

Some people also come because they have issues they would like to address such as these and many others;

  • Digestive complaints
  • Hormonal balance issues (puberty, PMT, peri-menopause, menopause)
  • Sleep problems
  • Immunity boosting after illness (or as a preventive)

In these instances, weekly treatments are advised for 6 weeks before moving to a maintenance programme of monthly treatments for a while. If paying for blocks of 6 treatments in advance, you pay for five and the sixth treatment is free.